
This page includes different roadmaps on the main knowledge gaps on research and innovation on soils across the different Mission Soil Objectives, created by SOLO's Think Tanks, which are ready for review. Please log in or create a profile in order to review them.
Pollution and restoration

Revised Preliminary assessment of the knowledge gaps to soil pollution and restoration

Authors: Judit Pump, Kristine De Schamphelaere, Petra Stankovics, Grazia Cioci, Gergely Tóth
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Erosion prevention

Outlook Soil Erosion Think Tank

Authors: Helena Guimarães, Martinho Martins, Nuno Guiomar, Claire Kelly, Diana Vieira, Teresa Nóvoa, Isabel Brito, Melpomeni Zoka, Sergio Prats, Artemi Cerdà, Pandi Zdruli, Nikolaos Stathopoulos, João Madeira, Lília Fidalgo, Pierfrancesco Di Giuseppe, Saskia Keesstra, Endre Dobos
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Soil sealing and urban soils

Preliminary assessment of the knowledge gaps to reduce soil sealing and increase the reuse of urban soil

Authors: Silvia Frezzi, Chiara Cortinovis, Christel Carlsson, Samuel Coussy, Antoine Decoville, Kristina Flexman, Simona Gradinaru, Jean-Marie Halleux, Peter Lacoere, Federico Nahuel Lazzari, Michele Munafò, Rita Nicolau, Stefan Siedentop, Jaroslava Sobocká, Eliška Vejchodská, Davide Geneletti
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Preliminary assessment of the knowledge gaps to improve soil structure

Authors: Jenni Hultman, Helena Soinne, Taina Pennanen, Antti-Jussi Lindroos, Helena Guimarães, Teresa Nóvoa
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Soil literacy

Assessment of the knowledge gaps related to soil literacy

Authors: Roger Roca Vallejo, Anna Krzywoszynska, Loukas Katikas, Karen Naciph Mora, Marie Hussein, Sónia Rodrigues, Roos van de Logt, Karen Johnson, Borut Vrščaj, Camilla Ramezzano, Katja Črnec
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Soil organic carbon stocks

State of art and prioritized knowledge gaps to conserve and increase soil organic carbon stocks

Authors: Åsgeir R. Almås, Susanne Eich-Greatorex, Trine Sogn, Jan Mulder, Manoj Pandey, Vincent Dauby, David Powlson, Roberta Farina, Jeroen Watté, Daniel Rasse
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Nature conservation of soil biodiversity

Assessment of the knowledge gaps to improve nature conservation of soil biodiversity

Authors: Monica Farfan, Carlos Guerra, Maria Ingimarsdottir, Katarina Hedlund, Edmundo Barrios, Neil Cox, Anders Dahlberg, Francisco de Assis Sanchez Crespo, Franciska de Vries, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Nico Eisenhauer, Maria Lundesjö, Alberto Martin, Alberto Orgiazzi, J. Parnell, Anton Potapov, Kelly Ramirez, Natália Raschmanová, David Russell, Vincent Tchedry, Maria Tsiafouli, Lia Uhde, Andrey Zaytsev
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Land degradation

Preliminary assessment of the knowledge gaps to reduce land degradation in Europe

Authors: Melpomeni Zoka, Salvador Lladó, Nikolaos Stathopoulos, Charalampos Kontoes, Santiago Codina, Ana Maria Ventura, Barbara Baarsma, Eleni Vasileiou, Maria Perraki, Konstantinos Soulis, Lukáš Trakal, Lindsay C Stringer, Elena Mikhailova, Markus Gorfer, Arezoo Toosi
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Footprint on soils

Scoping document on the knowledge gaps related to TT: “Reduce the EU global footprint on Soils”

Authors: Eric Struyf, Ivan Janssens, Vincent Dauby, Orsolya Nyárai, Péter László, Dries Roobroeck, Gerdts Detlef, Ellen Fay, Gerry Lawson, David Robinson, Arwyn Jones, Mathis Wackernagel
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